Monday, January 14, 2008


tonight a friend came to me with a problem kinda the same thing i was going though with cheryl she had this guy who is seeing somebody else living with them in fact i belive but she has feelings for him i tryed to help her as she helped me but its very rough to be in that spot having feelings for somebody that treats you like shit like a second class person i told her to get him out of her life(i know this is very diffacult) but it got me thinking aboot cheryl again its fucken hard isnt it when your on the short end of the rope thinking of jumping as much as you wanna hold on you wanna wrap it around your neck just to never let go but i think i may have finally let go but who the fuck knows i went over to yve's house on friday night it was fun i had a good time we kissed for the first time that was very nice just a good bye kinda thing i was going to try and make a move but i was too chicken shit i kept her up way to late and she had to work the next day but i tryed to leave and she would say "oh i wantyou to go but i dont" and such we hung and watched a couple movies and some tv the first movie we watched had bam margarri(sp) in it im going to go look up the name right now it was really good not just jackass stunt stuff but a real movie it did have a few stunt thingys and some skate boarding but it was aboot his friend who got dumped by a girl and he took it very hard bam and his other buddies tryed helping him and such Haggard(imdb link) was the movie i guess it based on a true story thats even better well the buddy(Ryan Dunn) finally got over her but she screwed with him a bunch before i laughed at some of the shit i had just gone though it kinda felt funny doing that but also thearaputic(sp) i dont know im just addicted to love or something i guess i really like yve and dont wanna screw shit up with her but well see.................... are you really for the endlesss summmmmmer

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