ok so i like me some absinthe i had never had it but found some in st martin so i got a small bottle it was great kinda like drinking liquid weed(some body should invent that well i guess folks make thc teas and stuff already i enjoy smoking so i have never tried that) first you pour some aboot a shot maybe a little more in to your glass then you put a spoon over it they make special spoons with holes just for this reason you place some sugar cubes on the spoon and pour water over the sugar so it dissvoles into the absinthe the water going into the absinthe turns it cloudy its really cool i think i like the prep for stuff like when i smoke weed i like the pack and grinding and such so its cool to me that absinthe has its own way to drink it i guess some folks drink it strait i dont think i would want to but ok so got that stuff from the cruise brought it home and tried it fell in love with it i felt like i was drunk and stoned both in a very good way so i wanted more i ordered a couple bottles of it from absinthe.bz it sells Czech absinthe saying its got the highest thujone levels so i thought hey this shit must be good damn was i wrong i got 2 bottles of absinthe one a lighter version of the other and they both seemed pretty shitty to me they both had very strong alcohol smell to them and it didnt cloud when i added water i learned now those are bohemian style which most folks say is junk but oh well i also got some cannabis vodka which i added to the absinthe a couple of times i was hoping to share that with some body maybe ill still get a chance to so for like 150 i got 2 bottles of crap and 1 bottle of the vodka which is pretty good and a absinthe spoon so i guess ill chalk it up to a lesson learned but now i got a order for some of the same stuff(i think) i got in the islands so im wicked pumped to get it oh and also i got a kit from ebay to make my own at home i just started it last night and it takes like a week and a half so ill give my results when i get to try it
"Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder." ~ Shakespeare
its nice to be important but its more important to be nice
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