ok so it may comes as a surprise to the readers of this blog that i had a strange out look on things for the last couple of days guess what thats done fuck it im saying what i want if you dont like reading it then dont im fucken hurt and cheri is the bitch that did it she thinks that she has been honest and truthful thats bullshit she has been playing me saying oh we need time apart not hey i wanna see other folks she has been fucken somebody for who the fuck knows how long and just told me yesterday cause my blog posting were scareing her or some stupid shit fuck that its my blog ill post how i want how i feel and i feel really fucked up she keeps saying im being thick headed no i was thinking with my heart something i doubt she fucken has she is a cold bitch who only uses folks for what she needs then tosses them to the side like old trash oh well she wants to be friends but shows it in the most fucked up way just pushing me to the way side not comeing out and being a big girl she dirts around the point she ripped my heart out and is prob getting a huge kick off of it she loves to cause pain and torment well i hope she is rolling around luaghing her little fucken head off while he new prob little dicked guy is at her beck and call you wanna stay a child well guess what you act like a little girl so you got what you want im in pain and heart ache and its my own fault but you could have been adult aboot it nope that isnt your style i hope you have fun at your wine orgies and wednesday night goth thingys oh we are so cool we only wear black and our life sucks i went to one once and the dumb ass dj was playing oldies wow that was fun it was nice being with you but your right i need a grown up to be with not some little girl who dosent give a fuck what she does or who she hurts as long as she is haveing a good time "cause cheri gets what cheri wants" then why dont you get those gaols done that bullshit you made up to try and get me to go away god you say you are so up front but thats bullshit your a scared little bitch i hope you enjoyed fucking me over very much cause i tryed to give you everything i could and you just shited on me but keep telling yourself that i was being the thick headed fool for not seeing that you were done with me what ever i suck im a worthless peice of shit
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